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Don't become a statistic with a DUI.

The fourth of July is coming and you will surely be invited to plenty of parties with alcohol. Remember that a DUI isn't because you were completely inebriated, but impaired. Most people don't really understand that DUI is simply that your normal faculties are impaired to operate a motor vehicle. Impaired is a much lower standard than falling down drunk or even feeling really happy after a night at the bar. The laws have become stricter and less tolerant of persons driving while under the influence of a substance. The new intoxilyzer 8000 is an impressive machine. It's much more sensitive then its predecessor and it only takes a couple drinks to register over a .08 blood alcohol content. Make the necessary arrangements to not drive this Fourth of July. There will certainly be checkpoints around the county and law enforcement will be on high alert for drunk drivers or really impaired drivers. In the event you do get arrested for DUI you only have ten days to request a DMV hearing to invalidate your driver's license suspension. Call Calvo & Calvo, we can keep you driving even if you've been arrested for a DUI. Call an aggressive DUI defense lawyer. We care about our clients plight and we will fight for you until a positive result has been achieved in your case.